Gracie’s Story

16 February, 2022

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Creating Space for Calmness in the Chaos

The world of renting is nothing short of high demand, high prices and high stress, but what if an abrupt end to your lease was your catalyst to re-centre instead of what throws you off balance?

Gracie Purvis, a yoga instructor and photographer (and also part time pro at relocating), has experienced the stress of moving 14 times in the space of 2 years when she was younger and her parents divorced, and now also at age 24 as she packs up another Mammoth hire truck and moves a second time in the space of 6 months after an abrupt end to her lease.

Where things haven’t been predictable for Gracie, her practises in yoga and photography have taught her to find calmness in the chaos. Her passion in yoga that stemmed from her Grandparents have allowed her to create a space for herself and others to slow down and shift energy, and her photography has created an extra outlet for expression and creativity. Through both, she has created a way of living that not only helps others recreate what they want and take back their power, but also helps her find opportunities to recreate a space into what she wants too.

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